I really love to draw.

Well this pretty much sums a lot of things up!

Being creative at work and in my own life is just something that’s always been innate to who I am. Watching anime & cartoons wasn’t something I left at Saturday mornings but something that continues to be a hobby that inspires me to this day. Listening to an album on repeat can get the juices flowing! A conversation with a friend or a funny phrase can lead to so many fun ideas. Inspiration is everywhere around us and it just takes a pen to paper to start creating.

One of my favorite styles to draw in is something i affectionately call “Bubblegrunge”. Bright pop colors with a bit of angst! Sometimes it’s more than a bit but hey that’s life baby!

Lately though, I guess I’ve been a bit more grounded. Or I guess melancholic is a more apt term. This new palette has been so much fun to create in. It’s a bit less restrictive than bubblegrunge and fits some heavier themes. Below are 3 drawings from the almost completed 2024 inktober cursed relics. We’ll get ‘em next year!


UMHS Post Prom


UDAC Year of the Dragon